Society President’s Message

A message from our current President:


Compatriots and visitors of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the American Revolution!


As President of the New Hampshire Society, I extend to you a great, hearty HUZZAH thanks for visiting the NHSSAR website. I trust this means you have an interest in our patriotic heritage and in the history of the United States of America. It is a great honor for me to serve as President of the NHSSAR. I am glad to be a member of an organization that strives to preserve and teach our nation’s history, promote patriotism, and honor our ancestors who sacrificed so much for the cause of freedom.


On May, 2022, the Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Society was held in Concord, NH. This was the beginning of my term as your State President. As we navigate a world that is in turmoil, the Sons of the American Revolution in New Hampshire has continued to be active through these difficult times; proving that patriotism, education, and the preservation of history and heritage are timeless and enduring principles. As we move forward through my tenure as President, I have assigned goals for our society to achieve. Focusing on the future of this State Society, I have decided to use the acronym S.T.A.R.K., in honor of our hero Major General John Stark. The goals I have set are straightforward:


The “S” stands for service. There are many opportunities for us to show our patriotism through service: support to Veterans, first responders, teachers, march in parades, manning static displays/booths at events, and other community service projects. Our officers and committee chairmen are a great example of service. Their dedication and volunteerism to our State Society is outstanding! We will grow together through service!


The “T” stands for “training.” Better training for our state officers, our committee chairmen, our Color Guardsmen, and our members can only lead to a more productive society and more community involvement. New Hampshire state officers and members have tremendous talents to be shared in promoting patriotism, in teaching history, and in honoring our patriotic ancestors. There are training modules available to us on the national website,, under the Training tab. Thanks to Color Guard Commander Dennis Walsh, we have organized drills for our Color Guard at the Muster Field in Sutton, New Hampshire. These are routinely sent out via email by Commander Walsh, and posted on this website under the Upcoming Events section.


The “A” stands for attendance. Increasing our attendance and participation is important, especially at this time in our nation’s history. We need more people supporting patriotism, our nation’s history, and its heritage. Secondly, we need to support our State Society. There are many ways we can be a positive influence for patriotism by cooperating together. We are approaching our 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence! Being a state in the New England region, our celebrations begin much earlier than the rest of the country. We have already been hard at work celebrating 250th Anniversaries. Last year, we supported Weare, New Hampshire’s 250th Anniversary of the Pine Tree Riot. As we get closer to 2026, there will be a number of activities throughout the state that you will be asked to support.


One of our strong emphases must be on “Recruitment,” which is what the “R” stands for. If an organization does not recruit new members, it will eventually cease to exist. As a State Society, we recruit to honor our ancestors “who gave us our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, an independent Supreme Court and a nation of free men.” (From the SAR Recessional.) I encourage our members to reach out to family, friends, and others who are descendants of heroes of the American Revolution. We have a great and faithful genealogist who will assist anyone in tracing their lineage to one of the patriot fathers or mothers who won freedom and independence for this nation. If you believe you have a patriot ancestor, please reach out and contact us through the links on this website.


Finally, the last is “K” for knowledge. Knowledge comes from education, which is one of the three tenets of our organization, and part of our congressional charter. We accomplish this by educating in school classrooms, at events in public, or on social media and the internet. We need more people to step up to do this. Without this crucial task, our Patriot Ancestors’ histories could be lost forever!


It is my hope that when my tenure comes to an end, the NHSSAR, will serve as a bright example of the hard work our Patriot Ancestors fought for and died supporting. I pledge myself to the success of the SAR in New Hampshire. I ask you to join me in this endeavor, and help support the State Society in any way that you can.


Yours in service,

Rev. Andy Akers

President, New Hampshire State Society

Sons of the American Revolution